Link to announcement:
Direct link to the questionnaire:
German: Ist der Verlust eines privaten Handys oder Laptops meldepflichtig oder greift das Haushaltsprivileg nach Art. 2 Abs. 2 lit. c DSGVO?
Can the loss of a private mobile or laptop require a data breach notification, or does the household exemption prevail? – No household exemption, if any processing for non-household use. (No surprise really.)
Blog article
Dutch DPA reports data breach – to itself.
ICO: Data security incident trends
Please note that the earlier reports, provide the most interesting backgrounds, e.g. in 2017 (via the “previous reports” link)
Big Data Analytics for central banks
The use of big data analytics and artificial intelligence in central banking.
Proceedings of the IFC – Bank Indonesia International Workshop and Seminar on Big Data in Bali, 23-26 July 2018.
(Germany, GDPR opinions): Übersicht behördlicher Stellungnahmen zur DSGVO
Summary paper by Taylor Wessing (51 pages), which keeps getting updated.
CNIL fines SERGIC 400,000 EUR (web site vulnerability)
Very interesting case, that needs some closer analysis.
The fine is about 0.9% of SERGIC’s annual turnover in 2017.
During the on-line audit of September 7, 2018, CNIL agents retrieved files accessible from URLs composed as follows:
https: //www.crm.sergic .com / documents / upload / eresa / X.pdf
– where by changing X you could access another persons’s file.
SERGIC tries to argue that they shouldn’t have done that, etc.. – to no avail. CNIL observes that exploiting vulnerability does not require any particular technical expertise in computer science. CNIL also consider that the use of a script does not require any advanced skills to exploit this vulnerability.
(Should be good week-end reading.)
LabCorp data breach exposes information of 7.7 million consumers
via breach at a 3rd party (AMCA), which also affected Quest.
Blog article on processing personal data from cars – and product monitoring needs
Interesting article based on a passage in the annual report of the LfDI BW on processing of personal data from cars by automotive manufacturers – incl. statements on product monitoring obligations..