Romania: DPA fines hotel 15,000 EUR for not protecting list of breakfast guests

The operator of WORLD TRADE CENTER BUCHAREST SA was sanctioned with a fine in the amount of 71.028 lei, the equivalent of 15.000 euro.

The breach of personal data security was that a printed paper list used to check breakfast customers and containing personal data of 46 clients housed at the hotel’s WORLD TRADE CENTER BUCHAREST SA was photographed by unauthorized people outside the company, which led to the disclosure of the personal data of some clients through online publication.

The operator of WORLD TRADE CENTER BUCHAREST SA has been sanctioned because it has not taken steps to ensure that its employees who have access to personal data only process their application, according to the law.

Zulässigkeit der Transkribierung und Auswertung von Mitschnitten der Sprachsoftware “Alexa” durch Amazon

Wissenschaftliche Dienste, Deutscher Bundestag

Research Service of the German Bundestag reviews the lawfulness of transcribing and evaluating recordings of Amazon’s Smart Assistant Alexa.

Summary in English by Dr. Piltz