Presentation (with IAB) – also has some nice overview pictures on Adtech and RTB
Best of DPC19: The California Consumer Privacy Act
Presentations from the IAPP Europe Conference (DPC19) Brussels 2019
Spain (AEPD): Cookie guidelines by the DPA in English.
The Spanish guidance is much more relaxed than the ones from UK, France, and Germany – adding to the somewhat different expectations across the EU member states.
CNIL publishes its own register of processing activities (as example)
The actual registry (in French), 121 pages:
Press article in French:
German Data Protection Authorities propose to create GDPR-obligations for producers of software and hardware (incl. liability)
Getting Cookie Consent Right
Article by Eduardo Ustaran
Germany: Thüringen: DPA Questionnaire on web sites
incl. google analytics, cookies, ..