DSB Austria on Google Analytics

(This is the first of the 101 cookie complaints by NOYB.)

The Austrian DPA held that the use of Google Analytics by an Austrian website provider led to transfers of personal data to Google LLC in the U.S. in violation of Chapter V. of the GDPR.

– incl. the technical tracking parameter (“_gads, _ga and _gid”) being personal data, and might be transferred to the USA

LG München – Google Fonts – 100 Euro Schadenersatz

LG München I Endurteil vom 20.1.2022 – 3 O 17493/20, GRUR-RS 2022, 612 spricht einen immateriellen Schadenersatz von 100 € zu, weil die dynamische IP-Adresse an Google (konkret: Google Fonts) in die USA übertragen wurde!

