CJEU C‑184/20: personal data that are liable indirectly to reveal sensitive information concerning a natural person [still fall under Art 9]


“Finally, the Court states that the processing of personal data that are liable indirectly to reveal sensitive information concerning a natural person is not excluded from the strengthened protection regime, (5) since such exclusion might well compromise the effectiveness of that regime and the protection of the fundamental rights and freedoms of natural persons that it is intended to ensure. Thus, the publication on the Chief Ethics Commission’s website of personal data that are liable to disclose indirectly the data subjects’ sexual orientation constitutes processing of sensitive data.”

In German: Commentary from Switzerland – https://datenrecht.ch/eugh-c-184-20-verarbeitung-besonderer-kategorien-personenbezogener-daten-auch-bei-moeglichen-schluessen-auf-sensible-informationen/