- https://datamatters.sidley.com/ccpa-in-depth-series-draft-attorney-general-regulations-on-verification-childrens-privacy-and-non-discrimination/
- https://datamatters.sidley.com/ccpa-in-depth-series-draft-attorney-general-regulations-on-consumer-requests/
- https://datamatters.sidley.com/ccpa-in-depth-series-draft-attorney-general-regulations-on-consumer-notice/
Google explains parallel tracking
Facebook: Data Processing for Page Insights (Facebook Fanpages)
Germany: Industry Body: proposal for Code of Conduct on pseudonymization
Digitalgipfel: Entwurf einer Verhaltensregel zur Pseudonymisierung veröffentlicht
Fokusgruppe Datenschutz der Plattform Sicherheit, Schutz und Vertrauen für Gesellschaft und Wirtschaft präsentiert im Rahmen des Digital-Gipfels 2019 einen Entwurf für einen Code of Conduct zum Einsatz DS-GVO konformer Pseudonymisierung
Old 2018: Leitfaden Pseudonymisierung (Guideline for pseudonymization)
Heise: Datenschutz Podcast
Cookie guidance per country (fall 2019)
Spain (AEPD): https://aepd.es/media/guias/guia-cookies.pdf, in English https://www.aepd.es/media/guias/guia-cookies-en.pdf
France (CNIL): https://legifrance.gouv.fr/affichTexte.do?cidTexte=JORFTEXT000038783337&categorieLien=id
Ireland: https://dataprotection.ie/en/guidance-landing/cookies
Germany (DSK): https://datenschutzkonferenz-online.de/media/oh/20190405_oh_tmg.pdf
Seth is a tool written in Python and Bash to MitM RDP connections by attempting to downgrade the connection in order to extract clear text credentials. It was developed to raise awareness and educate about the importance of properly configured RDP connections in the context of pentests, workshops or talks. The author is Adrian Vollmer (SySS GmbH).
Entwurf eines Gesetzes für eine bessere Versorgung durch Digitalisierung und Innovation (Digitale-Versorgung-Gesetz – DVG)
DSK: German concept for GDPR fines (fall 2019)
English version: https://www.datenschutzkonferenz-online.de/media/dskb/20191126_dsk_fining_concept_en.pdf
In German:
AEPD/EDPS: Introduction to the hash function as a personal data pseudonymisation technique
Joint paper on the use of hash techniques in data processing activities as a safeguard for personal data