Article: DPA Thüringen: Interessenkollision bei Personalunion: DSB und IT-Sicherheitsbeauftragter
Article: The Italian privacy authority rules on the definition of personal data and the relevance of the DPO’s opinion
(The concept of personal data might be broader than expected and the opinion of the DPO might be useful)
Requesting the opinion of teh DPO led to a lower fine.
Article: Do I need to provide my DPIA on request? (in German)
Muss ich meine Datenschutz-Folgenabschätzung (DSFA) auf Anfrage herausgeben?
No – if requested by data subject
Yes – if requested by DPA – it depends, Art 58
(Data protection impact assessment)
Slides (David Vasella): Intra-group data transfer/processing agreements
FTC vs. Facebook – MandatedPrivacy Controls (Summer 2020)
Article: Summary of important change sin new Swiss Data Protection Law (revDSG)
Das neue Schweizer Datenschutzgesetz – Die wichtigsten Neuerungen für Unternehmen”
by Daniela Fábián Masoch
AEPD: verification list for Privacy By Design audits
The AEPD gives a non-comprehensive verification list for PrivacybyDesign audits in chapter VIII of its guidance (in English!)
Article: In wake of the Schrems II, CNIL challenges use of Microsoft cloud storage to host public health data lakes (the Health Data Hub case – Part 1 and 2)
Good HoganLovell summary of French DataHub case.