CNIL: fines INFOGREFFE 250,000 EUR
Note on data retention related aspect of this fine:
INFOGREFFE stored the data beyond what was said in the privacy notice.
Reminder: Always make sure that what you state in your privacy notice is true, as you will be checked against this!
“The website provided that the personal data of members and subscribers (bank details, first and last names, postal and e-mail addresses, phone and mobile phone numbers, secret question and its answer) would be kept for 36 months from the last order for a service and/or document.
However, the CNIL found that the data of 25% of the service’s users was kept beyond the decided retention periods. The manual anonymisation implemented, only on request from users, concerned a very small number of accounts.”
English Summary:
Germany: BFARM: “Prüfkriterien für die von digitalen Gesundheitsanwendungen (DiGA) und digitalen Pflegeanwendungen (DiPA) nachzuweisenden Anforderungen an den Datenschutz Version 0.1 vom 09.08.2022”
“Prüfkriterien für die von digitalen Gesundheitsanwendungen (DiGA) und digitalen Pflegeanwendungen (DiPA) nachzuweisenden Anforderungen an den Datenschutz Version 0.1 vom 09.08.2022”;jsessionid=49CAEA4BE514F3061B395919BF48589D.intranet671?__blob=publicationFile
mit heise Artikel:
CJEU, C‑184/20, “data that are liable INDIRECTLY to reveal sensitive information.. is not excluded from the strengthened protection regime
CJEU, C‑184/20, “data that are liable INDIRECTLY to reveal sensitive information concerning a … person is not excluded from the strengthened protection regime [Art. 9] since such exclusion might well compromise the effectiveness of that regime”
Germany: SDM: B1 Key data protection requirements of the GDPR
- B1.1 Transparency for data subjects
- B1.2 Purpose limitation
- B1.3 Data minimisation
- B1.4 Accuracy
- B1.5 Storage Limitation
- B1.6 Integrity
- B1.7 Confidentiality
- B1.8 Accountability and Verifiability
- B1.9 Identification and Authentication
- B1.10 Support in the exercise of data subjects’ rights
- B1.11 Rectification of data
- B1.12 Erasure of data
- B1.13 Restriction of data processing
- B1.14 Data portability
- B1.15 Possibility to intervene in processes of automated decisions
- B1.16 Freedom from error and discrimination in profiling
- B1.17 Data protection by Default
- B1.18 Availability
- B1.19 Resilience
- B1.20 Recoverability
- B1.21 Evaluability
- B1.22 Remedy and Mitigation of Data Protection Breaches
- B1.23 Adequate Supervision of Processing
- B2 Consent Management
- B3 Implementation of Supervisory Orders
Comparison ISO27002:2013 vs. ISO 27002:2022
- p17 ff: Mapping ISO 27001:2013 vs. ISO 27002:2022
- p25 ff: NIS 1 Directive
- p 38 ff: interesting interpretation of GDPR
ICO: draft guidance on Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PET)
Draft document:
Whats PETs are there?
- Homomorphic encryption (HE)
- Secure multiparty computation (SMPC)
- Private set intersection (PSI)
- Federated learning
- Trusted execution environments
- Zero-knowledge proofs
- Differential privacy
- Synthetic data
Two years retention time for DPIA under new Swiss VDSG (effective 01-Sep-2023)
see Art 14 – after end of processing activity
Article: Internationale Datentransfers: muss in Datenschutzhinweisen das konkrete Drittland angegeben werden?
(recommended, but not necessarily? ..)
Biscotti ID, GAIA ID, IDFA/AdID, PPID [thread on quasi static IDs in Google space?)
Interesting Twitter Thread at
on ID correlations by Google, possibly including
Biscotti ID (seems to be the identifier that Google stores/retrieves in/from its ‘IDE’ cookie across different websites),
GAIA ID (a Google account ID),
IDFA/AdID (iOS/Google Advertising IDs)
and PPID