EU Commission: Data Protection Certification Mechanisms – Study on Articles 42 and 43 of the Regulation (EU) 2016/679
Data Protection Certification Mechanisms
Study on Articles 42 and 43 of the Regulation (EU) 2016/679
CJEU C-582/14 – Breyer
(Nothing new, just adding a reference here)
Overview site with reports on AI (legal, privacy, regulation) – University of Grenoble
“Welcome to, the website of the Chair on the Legal and Regulatory Implications of Artificial Intelligence at MIAI Grenoble Alpes!
The Chair has been chosen by an international panel of experts to form part of the Multidisciplinary Institute on Artificial Intelligence created at the Université Grenoble Alpes, following a particularly competitive selection process commissioned by the French Government.
Our members are experts in law, economics, computer and data science, all actively working in the fields of data protection, privacy, cybersecurity and AI and regularly interviewed by international media. They collaborate actively with and provide expert advice to major national, European & international institutions. The Chair is built upon the highly successful interdisciplinary network created within the Grenoble Alpes Data and Cybersecurity Institutes. Its objective is to become a valuable contributor regarding the legal and regulatory questions raised by artificial intelligence and to contribute to national and international debates on these issues.”
Mapping the use of facial recognition in public spaces in Europe
France: Cookie walls: the CNIL publishes the first evaluation criteria
Evaluation criteria for “cookie walls”:
- Does the Internet user who refuses tracers have a fair alternative to access the content?
- Paid alternative: is the price reasonable?
- The determination of the reasonable rate depends on a case-by-case analysis
- Virtual wallets can help adapt to consumption patterns
- The creation of an account must pursue specific and transparent objectives for the Internet user
- Can a “cookie wall” or a “pay wall” systematically impose acceptance of all the tracers on the website?
- The user chooses paid access without consenting to cookies: in which (limited) cases can tracers still be deposited?
ICO (UK): AI and data protection risk toolkit
FTC Privacy Impact Assessment on Azure
Privacy Library Of Threats 4 Artificial Intelligence
A threat modeling library to help you build responsible AI
PLOT4ai is a library containing 86 threats classified using the following 8 categories:
- Technique & Processes
- Accessibility
- Identifiability & Linkability
- Security
- Safety
- Unawareness
- Ethics & Human Rights
- Non-compliance